Innovator’s Mindset

February 9, 2016

The innovators mindset is the belief that abilities, intelligence, and talent are developed leading to the creation of better ideas.

An innovator’s mindset consists of 8 different qualities being, empathetic, a problem finder, a risk-taker, you must be networked, observant, a creator, resilient, and reflective.

“Failure is a part of learning, we need to teach how to get up from failure” Couros said.

Resilience to failure is something that teachers need to teach, when a student comes back and learns from their failure, they continue to grow and become successful. This is one of the topics that Couros covered on Tuesday.

“Why would they come to school when they can learn everything on Google” Couros said.

One of the questions that Couros asked the teachers at the Midwest Education Technology Community (METC) conference was, what will be your impact?

“I hope that my biggest impact on my students will be for them to see the leader in themselves and
be able to take the info that I teach them to higher levels so they can go out, they can create and they
can inspire, and they can be whomever they choose to be, wherever they are in the world” Dawn Niels
Intermedia Teacher at Winfield Elementary said.

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