HOSA spreads cancer awareness

Elena Martin, Staff Reporter

HOSA does activities that focuses mainly on the health field. October is cancer awareness month and the club decided to do something special for the staff at Ritenour. 

HOSA stands for Health Occupation of America and it is a club at Ritenour for students who are interested in the medical/health field. Anyone can join and be apart of a club that works toward a medical future. 

“To me, HOSA means being involved with the health community in high school and not only being able to make friends, but also learning more about the health field.” Senior Emma Bange said.

HOSA wanted to honor the fighters who survived their battle with cancer by putting signs the same color of the cancer sign on their doors at Ritenour High. 

“Many staff also shared names of family and friends who battled cancer and HOSA made signs to honor them.  The color of the sign is representative to that type of cancer,” Swyres said.

Since October is breast cancer awareness month, teachers were invited to fill out a form about people in their lives that have battled cancer.

“We put up posters on their doors to recognize those people or even [the teachers themselves],” said Bange. 

This took place to show the school that many of the teachers, staff or family members are survivors of cancer. Many people do not realize how many people around them have gone through an illness that is very common. 

“Cancer affects almost everyone, so it was a chance to share facts and honor people who have battled the disease.  Many sports teams and Leadership already have “Pink-Out” events, so we wanted to expand the concept a little bit more,” Swyres said.