HOSA sells boograms

Sammy Lewis, Business Manager

Chances are if you have been at lunch recently then you have seen the boo grams booth.  The money spent on boo grams will go to funding for HOSA trips here at Ritenour. The money will pay for registration fees, hotels, and transportation for the students.

So what exactly are boo grams? Boo grams are either a trick or treat you can send to anybody! The treat option consists of the most popular candy while the trick consists of…well it’s a trick for a reason!

Jennifer Swyres is one of the teachers who is a sponsor for HOSA here at Ritenour.  She, along with Juanita Hartmann, are the driving force as well as the many members of HOSA who attend Ritenour behind the boo grams. Both her and Hartmann are science teachers here at Ritenour, but while Hartmann teaches principles of business of biomedical science, Swyres teaches biology and anatomy.

“The fundraising idea is new to us this year but I think we’ve had pretty good sales so far.” Swyres said.

Students are feeling good about the boo grams as well. Since the boo grams are only a dollar, many students have already bought a treat for their significant other.  One of these students is Junior Josh Scruggs. 

“I actually bought four because I think it is a nice little thing to send to my girlfriend.” Scruggs said.