Quarantine Photo Journal – Daniela Saenz

Daniela Saenz, News Editor

Keeping Busy

I don’t really mind staying indoors because I have my video games and my violin.

I keep busy with practicing Violin. (Since I have online classes with my violin tutors, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.)Practicing violin takes up most of my day, more so on the days I actually have online classes since most of my classes end up being at least an hour.  I also have to practice with my younger brother, since he also is learning how to play the violin with one of my violin tutors, so I have to help him with practice.

The Food Fantasy picture is for passing time playing video games.

 Video games…I love playing them. I might not play as many as my brother does, but I love playing the ones I do play. For example, I love playing; Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, Red Dead Redemption 2, Sims 4 on the Xbox. On the Switch, I love playing; Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Onigiri.

Writing is something else I keep busy with.

I write on the websites Wattpad and Fanfiction.net. I write fan fictions and original stories. Writing is something that my friend kind of got me into when I was a freshman. At first, I hated writing anything. I hated trying to write essays and other teacher-directed assignments, but there was this one assignment freshman year that I loved doing; we had to write our own novel. I had to create my characters, create a setting, plot, etc. My friend helped me out with that project and even though I didn’t finish that novel in that assignment, I did end up finishing that book with the help of a friend. That was just book number one. We are still working on book two.

These are some of the things I do or am doing during this quarantine to pass the time. I just love doing them. It helps that there is silence in my house in the mornings.