A friendly hallway walking guide

Tips from Dornae Moore on how to keep the hallways from cluttering

A friendly hallway walking guide

Dornae Moore, Staff Writer

Here at Ritenour, there are a large number of rules and regulations, such as dress codes and expectations for school appropriate language. Hallways are an enormous part of these rules.

As we approach a new semester, I thought it would be important to let everyone know exactly the best way to navigate the halls.

When walking through the hallways in Ritenour High School, you should always stay on the right side, so you will not bump into others or block hallway traffic. You should also use a quiet voice while walking during class to limit distractions.

To avoid being hassled by hallway officers like Mr. McCaine and Coach Washington, always make sure that you have a school pass. Passes are pink for first floor classes, green for the second floor, and orange for the third. Also, if stopped by an administrator, tell them where you are going and go back to class to obtain your education.

One thing I absolutely hate is when people are walking during passing time and they just stop right in their tracks and keep the people behind them from walking. One time I tripped because this guy stopped in front of me to talk to one of his friends. Yeath, that’s definitely something you should do, stop right in the middle of the hall while others are trying to get to their classes. I feel that the school should have a specific spot for students like him. Everyone would just trip over each other and have the best time ever!

Another thing about hallways is when people walk on the wrong side, they step on your shoes. People spent their hard earned cash to buy their footwear, and people have the audacity to step on them? They should be punished, I say a week of detention or a ten day suspension, because something like that can automatically start a big fight. Like I said earlier, people spend a lot of money to buy the things they want and need, and it is harder for other people, so you should at least respect their kicks.

Hallways are meant for people to pass by and get to where they need to go. It casuses so many problems in Ritenour because of the amount of students and staff that are stuffed into them. Especially when those five minute bells ring, it is like a stampede of wild animals dashing across the school halls. Five minutes is not nearly enough time to get to where you need to go. Students have to take care of certain things before settling into their classrooms, like stopping by their lockers to get what they need,taking a restroom break, or simply talking to their friends. In my opinion, we need that time becuase we spend so much time in class finishing work that even when we finally finish, we feel like we do not have any free time.

Access to the hallways are a privilege, but there should be less rules. People should have enough sense to know the simple rules of the hallway. We are talking about full grown teenagers. I know that we can all do it.