Fickle Friendships

Fickle Friendships

Dornae Moore, Staff Writer

No matter who you are, everyone has that one special friend who they go to about everything.

Friendship is a serious matter and most people solve their problems by talking to their friends. Little do people know, the ones you are closest to can turn on you in an instant for no apparent reason. In the world of friendship live people who can betray you in the blink of an eye.

Humans are fickle individuals and have many personalities. No one should have to live alone and feel like they have no one to go to, but in this day and age you have no choice. Who can you trust? Not everyone is loyal, and that is scarier than we think. It is rare to find someone you can actually call a “friend’.” What is the point of being a snake and messing with someone’s feelings? That is not okay at all.

During my third grade year, I had a friend named Ramon. He and I were great friends and one day I was not feeling too well. During fourth hour we would usually shake hands and talk in class. When he said “what’s up” to me, I ignored him. It was slightly rude of me, but he did not have to go to the extent of being angry and not talking to me anymore. I tried apologizing, but it did not work. This showed me that friends will turn on you without you even knowing the reason.

One of the many wise words my mother told me was “I’ll know who your real friends are before you do.” It turns out she was right; it is funny how wise our parents are, especially about our “friends.”

This reminds me of another time when I was twelve. My friend Josh and I were walking to school and we had the same teacher. He had a new MP3 player and he gave it to me. It was one of the greatest gifts ever. When we finally made it to school, a teacher stopped me and said it belonged to a kid named Evan. I was shocked, because one of my friends had set me up for failure. It hurt because I thought I could trust this person, but it turns out I was wrong.

It is hard to believe someone you are close to would betray you and turn on you. You put all of your trust into them and expect them to be there for you until the very end. It turns out that is not always the case.

The moral of the story is, keep to yourself, while picking your friends wisely.