Stories from the 2020 Election


Memorable Moments in Voting History

On September 17, 1787, the Founding Fathers signed the most influential document in American history, the United States Constitution. This document established the framework of our government and the rights and freedoms that “We the People” enjoy today. Junior C’Kyra Burnett shares some of the changes made to that very Constitution that have altered who and how we vote, moving our country into a modern age.

First Time Voters 

For the 2020 Election, students from Ritenour High School will have the first opportunity to be voters. Hosted by Michael Duda, students contributed their experiences as first time voters after reaching the milestone of 18 year old, including Seniors Ray Dickerson, Kameron Cole, and Obersy Robles.

Voting Habits of the African American Community

Sophomore Jasmine Johnson explores the data and opinions behind the African American voting public.