KMOV’s Claire Kellett Talks with Ritenour’s Future Broadcasters

KMOV 4 News sat down with the Ritenour High School Video Production students in the New Media Convergence Center to discuss their experiences in TV News.


Journalist Claire Kellett and video camera operator, Oscar Rayfield, recently covered a story about  Ritenour High School’s New Media Center. After filming footage, containing interviews with students on and off air KRHS station, Kellett and Radyfield sat down with the students to share their experience in the news business.


The reporters shared techniques of interviewing, the different format of interviews, developing a style that suits the interviewer,and the responsibilities of a reporter.

“Being a reporter means going outside your comfort zone and asking questions you wouldn’t normally ask on a normal bases”, senior film production student Maddi Williams said.

In addition, they talked about their start in Journalism and the fast-pace motions that exist within it. Playful banter and smiles flooded the room, but the students asked question about the process of making TV News and other forms of mass media.

“Their visit has made me more excited about film production,” senior film production student Lydia Tolley said.

In all, there were many lessons brought to attention when Kellett and Rayfield strolled into the doors of Ritenour’s Media Convergence Center.

“The main thing I learned was to always have a backup plan,” senior radio student Jeremy Fips said.