Spring Break 2014 – Top 15 reading list

Jessica Steele, Staff Writer

Check out the top 15 books our teachers here at Ritenour think you should read over spring break. They are interesting and sure to catch any reader’s attention. So let’s relax and grab a book!

  1. The Fault in Our Stars –(John Green)
  2. Looking For Alaska –(John Green)
  3. The Hunger Games –(Suzanne Collins)
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower –(Stephen Chbosky)
  5. Joyland –(Stephen King)
  6. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest –(Ken Kesey)
  7. The Help –(Kathryn Stockett)
  8. The Book Thief –(Markus Zusak)
  9. Life of Pie –(Yann Martel)
  10. In Cold Blood –(Truman Capote)
  11. The Pride and Prejudice –(Jane Austen)
  12. Native Son –(Richard Wright)
  13. The Compound –(S.A. Bodeen)
  14. Bang –(Sharon G. Flake)
  15. The Great Gatsby –(Scott Fitzgerald)